I know you

There's a thing I never said
When we struggled together
When we fought and we loved
And we blew.

There's a thing that I wished
I could come out and say
But never dared, I was scared
Of mighty you.

It's to ask you, to insist
Who the fuck d'you think you are
To lay your shit upon me
And destroy me.

Who the fuck do you think
Gets to walk all over me, be a shit
Take my power, my strength
A'from me.

Now I know, now I'm freed,
Now I see you for what you are
And you're scared and lonely
Inside you.

And I know this, but you still
Acted in the very worst of ways
You controlled and you twisted
My world.

And so I see but must stand clear
Because it's no longer you that I fear
But the tangled up mess that lies
Within you.

So I wish you fare well
Safe travels and all that,
I won't join you, won't wonder what
You're up to.

I am safe now, I think,
Though near destroyed
And need to recover
Myself anew.


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