A final resting place

I imagine the place I
Wish to grow into and,
Eventually, to die and I see
Mist covered land, a wintered
Chill and little house,
Fireplace and huge veggie
Patch, thick with growth
Dense packed and abundant.
A rose garden, because
Everyone needs a rose garden
A distant back paddock
Buggered at first and then
Restored through simple
Attentive land care. And time.
A land nursed to health,
Well watered with sweat,
Dreamed alongside as the
Rains fall and the animals
Mutter in the long summer
Eves and the short winter days.
Where the birds and the insects,
The reptiles and all the wildlife
Come home, in refuge, and
I've let it become through
Thought and heart and
Mindful observation
With the riches of abundance
The reward of effort.

And a wisdom that grows
Earth bound, flowers and
Bears fruit, yet remains local
Never divorced from the
Place that drew it skyward.
As a tree in a forest
Is a product of the
Place, can't move unless
Killed, so too this life, this
Wisdom, founded in its
Home, in its landscape,
In the taste of its earth
Its air, its rain fed water,
All in union, in conversation,
One with the other, and
All together, myself
But a part of the whole.

In this land there shall
Be a place of my final
Internment, chosen, carefully
Tended to share my body
With the soil, my final
Gift to the land.


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