A love lost
I am sad, today, for today
I lost the love of a
Wonderful woman, a
Woman I believed,
Hoped, might create a
Life less ordinary
Together, a life of
Two powerful souls
Come together
Unapologetic in their
Truth, to themselves, to
Each other. She saw
Too little of the us
In me,
Swamped in my self
And she is gone.
She is gone and it
Aches in my heart
Just as it churns in my
Belly, the bitter pill of
Becoming clear about how I
Want to live in myself
And not clear enough
About how we live together.
I miss her, already,
Her physicality,
Her smiling face as I
Come to her door, brown
Eyes curved in delight,
Nose wrinkled, tousled
Hair, soft lipped kiss,
Beauty spot under her eye.
All of this I miss, but more so
Her spirit, her heart, her
Ability to challenge me
And hold me safe.
The power of her soul,
And our connection
Oft unspoken but always
There, now silent.
I guess, ultimately, the
Enormity of her soul was
Too big, too great to live
Amongst the life I want,
To share her hard wrought
Dream. And so it ended,
Perhaps predictably when you
See what was asked
Of us.
She is gone and I miss her,
The sadness a kind that,
I know, will wane in time,
That will release its hold over
Me, will become a way marker
In this life journey. But
For now, I mourn what
Was and, more bitter,
What might have become
As we grew, as we
Divined our destiny.
We now need to wait for
Another lifetime, another future
Existence for our souls to
Again cross. For us to, again,
Feel that jolt of recognition.
I am sad tonight, and
Likely tomorrow and the
Days thereafter. Some day
I won't, this I know, but
Am now.
Am now.
At least I might now
Have sufficient pain
For decent poetry.
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