Embodied Spirit
Up before the sun and
To the ocean where the
Lazy curlers roll over
Flat sand and dive in
To watch the sky light
Up in red then orange,
Bright trail blazed over
My bobbing head, cool
Breeze blowing back the
Spray of the breakers.
On to Kings Park where
The crows the magpies
Get first dibs on the day
Before the black cockatoos
Descend. The bush quietly
Crackling as it wakes.
This world, this All, in
Holy communion, showing
Me that I fit, that I am
Part of this whole and this
Whole is part of me.
I do not know whither my
Life goes, it is a great
Unfurling of my soul inside the
Soul of the world.
I turn my troubles, my
Concerns, my wonders
Great and Small
To Thee,
In Thy Wisdom,
Thy all pervasive
Presence in everything that
Is and will be. I am
Thine to live out the best
Life I can for Thee.
And the world resumes its
Conversation with me, the magpie
Calling at my feet, the spirits
That walk beside me, the
Whispering voices carried in
Wind through the trees.
There is nothing to fear,
Nothing to desire.
This Universe is perfection and
You blessed.
This requires a lifetime, many
Lifetimes to live out, to
Embody the essence of a
World of Spirit.
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