Your tiny smile

One little wry smile was all
It took to melt my heart,
Show me that you had heard.
A little smile and your head
Nuzzled into my shoulder as we
Hugged, cautiously, guardedly, not
Knowing what might come of this.

Pure Natasha, it was pure you,
Your cold stern over a heart
Bigger than the world's combined.
I caught your smile, I held
Your head, I felt your beating

How from here I don't quite
Know, but do in the feint
Ruled lines. It seems clear
Although hazed in a life that
Might be of independence and
Intense closeness you and me.

How I do not know, but where
I do somewhat better, and with
That I can make some decent
Steps in progression.
I won't lose you, not again, but
Will rather make a lifetime
Where we live, where we grow,
Where we create love.


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