To be man

This sadness
Inexplicable, closing in
A cloud bank rolling
Down the mountain
Engulfing for no
Reason tears tearing
At me, rending me
Breaking me in two.

What is this? Who?
Which question sits
Core, slowly spinning
In her facets.

What is it
To be a man?

This seems to slowly
My voice my
Life my bloodness.

How to be in this
World, much less how
To man it with
Such needs to
Restrain and to temper
Soften hard edge
Be less wild for
Wild is abuse
Wild is abuse, this
Seeps out of the
Air we drink
Water we breathe,
And abuse is men
And men are abuse
When wild, or not,
But especially

And this is
I know,
To argue it
Ultimate Victim
And so there is
The Bind.

To call the
As it is 
Is to
You are
No Man.


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