
How is it, muse, to let the
Tannin browned waters slip
Over your bared body,
Head disappeared beneath
Inky waters that do not let
You see your hand?

How is it, muse, to walk on
Honky nutted tracks in your
Naked, barefooted thuds of
Delicious pain and the spirits
Dancing over your body in the
Delight of a new found friend?

It feels alive, it feels wild, and
A bit ridiculous too, that such
Simplicity can create such joy and
Yet not be commonplace or
Even at all. 

That the chatter of 
These beings who want 
Me to know that 
They're here, and 
They're alive, as alive 
As the raindrops as they
Prattle upon my head
Upon my neck my back
Of our secret and
Our Mystery.

That is how it feels
When you open up
To me, that is the
Gift of The World.


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