Shooting star

As I sat in the darkening
Eve I watched a star shot
To the earth, an angel
Falling and burning up,
As angels do.

I waited for more, for a
Sound to boom from the
Streaking light, but heard
Silence, nor another, for
He rode alone.

I watched and wondered 
Whence angels go and why
They come, their heavenly
Attire lit bright, their

For dark nights need the
Burst of light and hope
Piercing through the gloom
Even it it requires some
Angelic fire.

In this moment I see that 
Men too need to light up as
They consume themselves on
Entry to the greater world
We know may be.

For this is the role of
The divine male, he also
Gives himself completely,
Without desire or fame,
That all might live.

He is the sacred, the
Warrior of old who tends
The world, who watches, 
On his horse, over the people
Sleeping below.

He is the god who would
Not be known, and perhaps
Seen briefly as he lights up
The night sky, burned up,
His gift given.


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