The Greatest Question

I want to ask the biggest,
Hardest, greatest Question
I can, of Mystery, of the
Cosmos within which we
Live, I live.

And that is, I think,
Why does it all exist and,
Also, why do I?

This question looks like
Two but is one alone,
For I am the Universe,
The Universe me, and
Together we dance the
Sweet dance of Mystery.

Now I do not expect an
Answer to my Question
Just asking it is
Big enough, 
Just daring to open my
Universal Heart
Bold enough.

For this Heart is what
Permits the impossibility of
Answer, it lives within that
Impulse that enables two
Opposites to coexist.

And so, whilst there are
Many ways to begin an
Answer, I prefer to live the
Question and keep living it
Until I breathe my
Final breath.

Then, and only then
Might I have 
My Answer.


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