With dark eyes gleaming

The wind, it rattles at the
Halls and floors a distant low
Moan of times long lost yet
Ever here, their presence 
Present, their lingering allure.

Who will come through today,
This evening of beckoning to the
Waning moon upon her bed
Of distant stars, a'glint in their
Finery and finessed coldness.

Who teases and taunts his way
Into these rooms, which ill-begotten
Thought would crest the wave and
Become with this world, one with
The angelic, the demonic.

He wavers, he sways, he leers
And he falls. Thump. Onto the
Frost crusted path and looks,
Eyes ancient and newly born
Of this world amongst worlds.

He surveys that which lays before him
That world which wants to be born,
Or reborn, yet sits stuck on
Its vertiginous ascent into
Heavens it does not belong.

He looks and he springs, springs
At me, my jaw aghast at the
Grandeur and horror of being
Consumed, taken whole, and become
That which stood before me.

And through his eyes now see,
See the worlds beyond the world
In their savage multiplicity,
Uncaring of the petty ambitions
Of earth-bound mortals.

The intelligences that sweep through,
That undergird, that spiral and twine
Their way around and beyond that
Simple, linear, ignorant hubris
Of a solitary diminished pathos.

With these eyes the crystalline lattice
Upon which worlds are woven,
Now and to infinity, all here,
All now, all for and of the Creator
Who becomes within creating.

With dark eyes gleaming I scry,
I scry and comprehend that all I
Am is all that is, that worlds
Shimmer and whirl, that beings
Entrance upon the dance within.

That dark eye, that dull edged
Glint, that wisdom of witnessing
Worlds in their erotic sublime,
In their tortured divine, their 
Roar carrying the ring of ages.

Clasping at my throat as this 
Rages across me, through me, 
Writhes twitching and groaning
Then departs, into fire to the
Faint heavens, and is begone.

And so that mad spirit leaves me
Struck by the star of a knowing
Once forbidden and always known
A reality that can always become and
Yet is also always here.


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