
When will the time
Be right for you
To say what needs
To be said to write
What must be written?

When will you, how
Will you, what will
Transpire before your
Divine spirit pours
Once again
Through this pen?

I let you sit in
This space, I let you
Sit and wait for
When the time is upon
Us then it will

consume all in a
holy fire and your life
as you know it shall
lay in ruins about you
by the spirit and our
writing and our words
and that which needs to
come through you
that you are here
as vessel to become.

So rest now, enjoy that
Which you call living
For the possession shall
The possession comes
And then you be wholly

given over to us
vessel of the divine
you as you shall be
no more
you as All shall be
born amidst 
terror and 

When you are given over
To the divine, your
Being is forever and
Unassailabley Lost. 


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