Practicing at being human

We are all practicing
At being human,
The breeze's breath
On our face the
Warmth of the sun
On arms the tears
Welled up as we
Gaze into another.

We cannot, do not
Know who we are
We feel this through
Living and feeling and
Finding those close
To our heart,
Distant become close
The forever reaches
Of wandering alive.

We there be another
Way to feel that which
Must be felt. To
Download the truth
Of life and living
The ineffable, but 
No, our lot is to
Know through this
Body with which we
Have been blessed.

So go now, make
Love with the world
And her people and
Her spirits and her
Pain, lover spurned
Gained and lost again
In a heartbreaking
Beat. Go forth and
Become your
True name.


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