
Sometimes I am
The rock in the river
Bending the water around
And about, pulling the
Air up from down
In the depths and
Sometimes I am
The water that finds a
Way, never-ending to
The sea, rushing then
Sitting in pools and
Slow lagoons, the
Ache of the mountain
Within and that
Love of the sea and
Sometimes I am
The whole river course
Nervous tendrils deep
Into mountain valleys
Spread wide across
Flat pasturelands
Everywhere all at once
A fully feeling, fully
Alive system even
Through the stagnant
Ox-bow lagoons and
The reversals of
Rapid rocked water.

Some I am
None of these, I am
Rock and I am desert
Cragged split boned
Mountain and sand
And dry desolate

I can be all, I
Can be none,
None wanted, none
Gained yet pursued
(Un)loving through


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