The Storyteller

The days are wan, 
Strained thin through
A fine mesh screen, their
Grit and magic gone.

The threads of reality
Worn bare, their
Wispy fragrance memories
Of once never times.

And we sit, we see,
We observe, we reach for
The strings wafting loose
Drifting about our face.

We cast out at one,
Draw it across, to touch
Another, bring it back again
Weave these threads to.

More and more pulled
Together, filaments woven
True, that which was
Apart rendered anew.

From the faded, fast
Invisible emerges something
New, a new story, a
New story of wholing.

This it is, and this
I am. I am the 
Storyteller, with my 
Pen weave worlds.

The Storyteller, writing
The world whole again
Upon the blank void invokes
"This is the world"

And so the world is.


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